Facial Contouring

in Phoenix, AZ


Facial contouring used with dermal fillers is a non-invasive procedure that offers patients an approach to diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Sculpt AZ Medical Aesthetics specializes in FDA-approved facial contouring non-surgical procedures to achieve natural-looking results with minimal downtime.


If you are constantly using makeup products to contour your facial features, facial contouring with dermal fillers offers you the opportunity to sculpt and shape specific facial areas with long-lasting results. Many of our Phoenix facial contouring patients have the following areas treated with dermal fillers:

  • Nose
  • Cheeks
  • Jawline
  • Temples
  • Forehead

Our talented aesthetic team at Sculpt AZ Medical Aesthetics will discuss your skin-related concerns and assess the areas you want to be treated during your consultation.


Facial contouring with dermal fillers offers immediate facial rejuvenation with volume enhancement and wrinkle reduction. Dermal fillers contain synthetic ingredients that mimic natural substances within your body, such as hyaluronic acid. Areas of your face that may appear sunken or hollow will benefit from the volume enhancement and hydration that dermal fillers have to offer. Depending on your facial contouring treatment area, the dermal fillers are comprised of a gel-like solution designed to provide the following benefits:

  • Increased volume
  • Increase hydration
  • Increase skin elasticity
  • Boost collagen production
  • Smooth fine lines and wrinkles
  • Improve tone and texture of your skin

Additionally, your facial contouring treatments will often take less than 30 minutes and involve no downtime so that you can return to your daily activities right away.


You will begin your treatment with your aesthetic expert and guide you to one of our VIP beauty lounge areas. Your skin is cleansed and prepped for your facial contouring treatment. If a numbing cream is needed, it is applied at this point. Some topical anesthetics may take up to 30 minutes to take effect. Once your skin is ready, your injection specialist will begin your injection treatment. The number of injections needed for non-invasive facial contouring will differ with each patient. The treated area and the desired outcome often determine the number of injections required. Your treatment will take about 30 minutes to one hour, depending on if the topical anesthetic is needed.


The significant benefit of facial contouring with dermal fillers is the minimal to zero recovery time. It is advised to avoid heavy lifting and strenuous activity for up to 48 hours to minimize swelling at or near the injection sites. If you experience any swelling, it will dissipate within a few days to one week. While dermal fillers are not permanent, your results often depend on how fast your body metabolizes the dermal filler solution. Typical results for facial contouring with dermal fillers include six months to two years. Your aesthetic specialist will discuss scheduling maintenance sessions to retain your optimal results.


Our team at Sculpt AZ Medical Aesthetics strive to offer the best non-invasive facial contouring Phoenix has to offer. We are excited to assist you on your aesthetic journey and look forward to helping you discover the beauty options that meet your needs. Our highly skilled medical professionals can inform you about our innovative and exciting dermal fillers. Schedule your facial contouring with dermal fillers consultation today. Sculpt AZ Medical Aesthetics proudly serves Paradise Valley, Scottsdale, and Arcadia, AZ.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does facial contouring with dermal fillers hurt?

You may feel a slight pinch with the dermal filler injection. A numbing cream is used to help with any discomfort. Some dermal fillers have lidocaine within them to help reduce any injection pain.

Will my insurance cover facial contouring with dermal fillers?

Dermal fillers are typically not covered by health insurance. It is best to check with your insurance provider about your specific coverage options.

How much will my treatment cost?

Facial contouring with dermal fillers will vary in price for each patient. Various factors affect the treatment cost, such as the number of treated areas and the number of units of dermal filler used to achieve the desired look. Your aesthetic specialist will address pricing concerns during your consultation. Sculpt AZ Medical Aesthetics offers payment and financing options for your convenience.

What are the risks of using dermal fillers?

Complications are rare with dermal filler injections, but some side effects include redness, swelling, and itching at the injection sites. Our injection specialists are highly trained, and we ensure you are in a safe environment with expert medical professionals.